Home Teacher Shortages and Recruitment Incentives

Teacher Shortages and Recruitment Incentives

On average, N.H. teachers get paid more in wealthy communities

Teacher salaries differ widely between districts in New Hampshire, and according to one school board chairman, the state's funding formula is a major factor...

How do our teachers, classrooms, and other factors influence student learning?

This article is part of our Whole Picture of Public Education project, which uses state and national data to answer the question: what influences...

“There are elements that need to be changed”: School business managers...

“There are things in our standards and in our mandates that we face, that could be and should be reflected in a revised definition,”...

Policy Brief: Teacher Salary Schedules in New Hampshire

These policy briefs explore variations in salaries across New Hampshire, focusing exclusively on salary step schedule data for NH-certified teachers with Bachelor’s degrees, and...

“It’s penny wise and pound foolish”: Teachers reflect on how disparities...

Kids around teachers desk
Every year around mid summer, the dreaded courtesy phone calls between school superintendents begin. One district unexpectedly loses a teacher to a higher paying...

‘You do what you’ve got to do.’ As budgets and funding...

It’s a dramatic budget season in New Hampshire. Communities are deliberating over school district budgets stretched paper thin. Legislators are hashing out bills that...

‘Stronger than I think it ever was.’ An invigorated professional community...

If you had to pick a metaphor to describe the 2021-22 school year so far, it might be hats. Educators these days are wearing...

7 Key Ed Policy Trends to Watch in 2022

The new legislative session is starting off in full force. Both the House and Senate’s Education Committees have public hearings scheduled through the month...

Fostering inclusivity and high-quality instruction: Strategies for diversifying the educator workforce

As Senate Bill 236, a bill to study teacher incentives and retention, moves through the state legislature, research suggests that the study committee should...

House passes school funding bill, teacher workforce study group; tables school...

The NH House of Representatives passed several bills during a two-day session May 4 and 5 including SB 420, creating a $25 million extraordinary...