Reaching Higher and partners release survey measuring school staff and educator...

Update, April 18, 2023: This survey has closed. Thank you to all those who completed the survey. Your input will inform critical conversations around...

Legislative study committee begins studying teacher recruitment and retention

A study committee of five lawmakers will spend the next year examining the key factors in the state’s teacher workforce shortage. The Committee to...

Fair and competitive pay is critical to a strong teaching workforce,...

Fair and competitive teacher compensation is a critical part of ensuring that schools can attract and retain qualified and well-prepared teachers, Reaching Higher NH...

Committee proposes school incentive grants and teacher stipends to address ongoing...

A legislative committee is expected to propose four policy recommendations to help strengthen and diversify New Hampshire’s teacher workforce. The Committee to Study New...

‘Divisive concepts’ law impeding efforts to recruit and retain teachers, DEIJ...

A 2021 law that restricts what teachers can say about racism, sexism, and other sensitive topics is making it harder to attract and retain...

Federal funding allowed districts to invest in their students and schools....

After soliciting input from the community last year, Somersworth district leaders used a large portion of their federal relief funds to hire a behavior...

As part of statewide effort to recruit and retain high-quality teacher...

New Hampshire lawmakers have proposed a number of programs aimed at addressing the state’s teacher shortage, including student loan forgiveness and financial incentives for...

What Impacts the Educator Workforce? Results from the New Hampshire School...

Photo by Ryan McVay, Teacher helping a student.
Reaching Higher NH, in partnership with 15 professional organizations, recently completed a statewide survey of educators and school staff who are changing positions or...

Senate kicks off 2024 with public hearings on school voucher expansion,...

The NH Senate is opening the 2024 legislative session by re-introducing some of its most controversial legislation of 2023, including school voucher expansion and...

Teacher Certification and Student Outcomes: What the Research Says

Lawmakers are considering two bills that would allow uncertified and unlicensed individuals to teach in public schools as long as they work “part-time,” or...