NH Legislator outlines plan to increase high school graduation and college...

Rep. Wayne Burton (D-Durham), in a Concord Monitor opinion piece, outlined the importance of higher education and his plan to achieve the new statewide...

Next Gen Science Standards in the classroom: Integrating crosscutting science disciplines...

Kentucky science teacher Tricia Shelton integrates the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) into her curriculum by having students design a science project that combines life...

Public schools work with local universities to implement NGSS strategies into...

Seattle and Renton Public Schools are partnering with the University of Washington to implement the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) into their existing curriculum...

Londonderry: One district's efforts to reach all its students

It's easy to underestimate what goes on in our schools every day.  You can see some of what the Londonderry School District is doing...

Huffington Post features "Smart Parents" blog to help parents advocate for...

The Huffington Post, in partnership with the Nellie Mae Foundation, is launching a new blog called "Smart Parents," featuring articles and stories about innovative...

Granite State students score higher than national average on SAT

The College Board released the score reports on the Class of 2015, and New Hampshire students scored 76 points higher than the national average. According...

More NH graduates meet ACT College and Career Readiness Benchmarks

The results are in, and more New Hampshire students are meeting the ACT's College and Career Ready Benchmarks than in the past five years.  According...

Blended Learning 101: How to implement blended learning models in your...

The Relay Graduate School of Education is offering a free online module on how teachers can implement blended learning concepts into their everyday teaching,...

How states can help districts implement student-centered learning models in their...

Legislators and school board members can help districts that want to follow in the footsteps of New Hampshire's innovative schools, like Pittsfield Middle High School--which incorporates a student centered learning model--achieve their personalized learning goals.

Leading with a question: Inquiry-based learning at Pittsfield Middle High School

In this Pittsfield Middle High School English class, students ask: why am I here? Teacher Jenny Wellington guides students through the unit, challenging students...