Capturing student learning and growth through competency and portfolio grading
As learning environments become more focused on group work to nurture high-demand skills--like collaboration, creativity, and problem-solving, one of the top concerns is how...
Active self-reflection promotes meaningful learning
What is active self-reflection?
Self-reflection is the process of examining, linking, and developing meaning from our experiences to gain understanding of ourselves and the world around...
Reaching Higher NH Analysis on SB 193 finds Disproportionate Impact on...
Reaching Higher NH held a public information session this morning to present their analysis of SB 193, a bill that would create a statewide...
Weekly Legislative Update: Senate passes bills that could substantially impact public...
The Senate was busy last week, voting on almost ten education-related bills. The chamber passed the "Croydon bill" and SB 193, a bill that...
Amendment to statewide voucher bill increases financial burden on districts, according...
The House Finance subcommittee has released an amendment to SB 193, the bill that would create a statewide voucher bill, on Wednesday. According to...
Reaching Higher NH Board of Directors
Alan Reische, Co-Chair
Alan Reische, Co-Chair, is an attorney with Sheehan Phinney Bass & Green. He is a director of the New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits,...
Proposed voucher bill could cost districts millions in state funding
On November 8, the House Education Committee will vote on SB 193, a bill to establish an education freedom savings account program (hereafter, we...
SB 193: Analysis of Potential Impact on Tax Rates in Rural...
On November 8, the House Education Committee will vote on SB 193, a bill to establish an education freedom savings account program (hereafter, we...
By the Numbers: Support and Opposition for SB 193 at House...
We have received a lot of inquiries about the landscape of support and opposition for SB 193, the statewide voucher bill. With that in...
Analysis finds that SB 193 may disadvantage students with disabilities
Reaching Higher New Hampshire, a nonpartisan education policy nonprofit, released an analysis of SB 193, a bill to create a statewide education savings account...