Bonnie Dunham on the plan to reorganize Education Department, “There is...

David Solomon reports that the Senate Education Committee voted down the Edelblut request for open ended authority to reorganize the New Hampshire department of education because Republican Sen. Ruth Ward heard so much opposition from constitutents.

School choice bill put on hold until 2018 by bipartisan vote...

WMUR reports that the New Hampshire House Education Committee retained for further study a controversial voucher bill. It could be returned in 2018

NH House Education Committee recommends fully funding kindergarten at $14 million-a-year...

WMUR reports that the New Hampshire House Education Committee voted 15-4 to fully support full day kindergarten, adding $5 million per year to the governor's original proposal

State Senate panel recommends killing bill to give Education Commissioner broader...

WMUR reports that the New Hampshire Senate Education Committee sent a major department of education reorganization proposal to study committee.

House panel votes for full-day kindergarten | Union Leader

The Union Leader reported that New Hampshire House Education Committee voted in support of SB 191, full day kindergarten. Now the bill goes to the full House and then to House Finance

House sidelines school choice bill | Union Leader

The Union Leader reports that the New Hampshire House Education Committee voted 15-4 to retain HB 193, the voucher bill, to work on answering the many questions about it.

Voucher Bill Tests Ambition of School Choice Advocates in N.H. |...

NHPR interviews a home schooling family and a Christian school head about how home and private school families would benefit if HB 193 became law.

Business leader Val Zanchuk: “Don’t destroy a top public school system”...

Val Zanchuk, Graphicast
New Hampshire civic and business leader Val Zanchuk writes an oped about the damage vouchers would do to New Hampshire's top performing school system, making the point students from higher income families would be the primary beneficiaries.

Make Private School Free or Die: The Fight Over Education Savings...

"The 74", a national web site that covers education from a conservative viewpoint, reported on SB 193.  Here are some excerpts: Soon may prevail...

Troy resident: The way NH funds public schools is an “unfair...

Troy resident Marcia Press is taking action after attending a four-hour town meeting on the school budget, where she says that her community was...