Valley News points to a working relationship between Ed Commissioner and...

Valley News reported on a working relationship between NH Department of Ed Commissioner, Frank Edeblut and Croydon School Board member: Croydon — Records obtained through a...

Key House committee delays vote on school choice bill, citing last-minute...

The House Education Committee delayed the vote on SB 193, the universal voucher bill, on November 8. From the Union Leader: Despite an aggressive push...

EC to debate Commissioner Edelblut’s Croydon donation before voting on 4-year...

Commissioner Frank Edelblut's undisclosed, $1,000 donation to the Croydon School Board's legal fund will be a central topic at the next Executive Council meeting,...

School choice solution proves elusive for Croydon

Dave Solomon gave an update on the legislative battle over school choice in the latest edition of the Union Leader's State House Dome. One of...

Reaching Higher updates Nashua residents on statewide initiatives

Dan Vallone, Reaching Higher NH's Director of Engagement, provided Nashua residents with an overview of this legislative session's education initiatives, reported the Union Leader....

WMUR: NH education chief says new proposal would give him ‘fidelity...

WMUR reported on the recent draft amendment proposed by Senator Reagan to expand the authority of the NH Commissioner of Ed: New Hampshire Commissioner of Education...

Hypertherm and Fujifilm Dimatix provide Lebanon-area students with unique learning opportunities

Thanks to a partnership between two advanced manufacturing plants and two area high schools, students at Lebanon High School and Thetford Academy in Vermont...

Accountability concerns arise over education savings account bill

According to the Concord Monitor, the subcommittee that is studying SB 193, the universal voucher bill that establishes "educational freedom savings accounts" in New...

Sen. Feltes: Full day kindergarten "essential to closing the opportunity gap"

Senator Dan Feltes, cosponsor of HB 1563 that funds full-day kindergarten, talks to the Monitor about the importance of early childhood education.

National PTA: Equitable, high-quality public education is critical to our children

The National PTA (Parent Teacher Association) released a statement regarding school choice and public education. There are over 20,000 PTA chapters, including more than 40 in...