“‘School choice’ bill hitting head winds” | Union Leader

Dave Solomon's State House Dome reports that SB 193, the school choice bill, is unlikely to pass in this legislative session and that the governor is ambivalent about the bill.

Weekly Legislative Update: Legislature to battle over full-day kindergarten funding, one...

In a bold statement, the Senate passed a bill last Thursday that reinstates Governor Sununu's targeted funding program for full-day kindergarten. It was removed from...

House lawmakers hit pause on sweeping school choice bill | AP

Sen. Reagan
Kathleen Ronayne writes for the AP in the Concord Monitor, House lawmakers hit pause Tuesday on a sweeping school choice bill over concerns it would improperly...

Educators to expand their high school literary education programs through NH...

The New Hampshire State Council on the Arts has opened registration for the nationwide Poetry Out Loud program, where students compete at regional and...

Nashua Alderman: “Let’s think about taxpayers for a change”

Last week, the Nashua Board of Education's budget committee voted 6-2 to expand full-day kindergarten to all 11 elementary schools, reported the Union Leader. But...

Parental engagement & personalized learning can help bridge achievement gap between...

According to an analysis by the New Hampshire Department of Education, school districts that spend the most money per pupil typically get the best...

Cline to replace Raffio | Union Leader

SBOE March 23, 2017
The Union Leader Editorial Board featured this piece on their former editor's appointment to the State Board of Education: ...Democrats ginned up false outrage over...

Former State Senator: School vouchers – another plan to raise your...

"We all know what happens when money is drained out of public schools. Property taxes go way up."

Institute of Justice Attorney: Using state-funded vouchers at religious schools would...

voucher bill school choice
Tim Keller, an attorney for the libertarian group Institute of Justice, wrote in the Union Leader that SB 193, which creates a statewide voucher system...

Math programs don’t add up as Manchester teachers cobble together lessons,...

Manchester schools started their third year without a common, district-wide math curriculum, reported the Union Leader. Here's an excerpt: Critics, some who asked to speak...