Our Turn: The Republican gamble with our kids’ futures

Senators David Watters (District 4) and Dan Feltes (District 15) and Executive Councilor Andru Volinksy submitted this piece to the Concord Monitor on SB...

Education as a Civic Question

A column in Education Week underscored the importance of citizenship in society and in our schools, and the importance of our local public schools as...

When it comes to student achievement, demographics need not be destiny

The Union Leader's David Solomon has done a major two-part followup, the most extensive reporting done to date, on the annual Smarter Balanced Assessment...

State Board of Education seeking public comment on state standards at...

We would like to remind the public that the New Hampshire State Board of Education is seeking public input on whether to revise the...

Nursing Quest Summer Camp gives students a chance to explore health...

Southern New Hampshire Area Health Education Center (SNHAHEC) is offering summer camps for students interested in exploring health careers. Students will learn how to...

Rep Francese: “Don’t be fooled. This is one of the most...

Representative Paula Francese (Exeter) submitted this letter to the editor of Seacoast Online:  "It is impossible for me to read Catie McLaughlin’s letter to the...

How the courts have shaped education funding, and what comes next

In the 1990’s, the Claremont School District challenged the way the state of New Hampshire pays for public school in what are known as...

Concord Monitor: The high cost of school vouchers

The Concord Monitor published an editorial about a school voucher bill that the Senate will vote on tomorrow. SB 193 will be the most expansive voucher bill in the country and could cost the state about $60 million or more its first year. What do you think about this type of voucher program? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Looming questions about voucher bill and its effects on students and...

On January 16, the House Finance Committee held a public hearing on SB 193, the bill that would create a statewide voucher program. After...

State should target funding to schools based on need, says state’s...

According to David Juvet of the Business and Industry Association of New Hampshire, the state's Chamber of Commerce, if the state doesn't allow better...