Stereotypical gender roles could be affecting math achievement in wealthy, suburban...

In many cases, girls outperform boys in most subjects in early grades. But according to a new study from Stanford, boys outperform girls in...

Questions and answers about the proposed Learn Everywhere program

On Thursday, June 13, the State Board of Education (SBOE) will decide on whether to move forward with “Learn Everywhere,” a proposal from Department...

Manchester Proud brings city together to set a shared vision for...

A group of Manchester citizens has come together to form an organization that will engage residents, businesses, and community organizations in developing a shared vision...

Governor Sununu adds $10 million to school safety grant program

Governor Sununu is set to increase the school safety preparedness grants by $10 million for a total of almost $30 million, according to the...

Emotional intelligence among top skills employers are seeking

hiring job skills emotional intelligence
Companies are frequently citing emotional intelligence as one of the top characteristics they are looking for in prospective employees. In fact, a 2011 survey...

SAT scores improve for New Hampshire students

The average SAT scores for New Hampshire students rose about 3% from previous years, according to the New Hampshire Department of Education. All 11th...

Work-Based Learning Awards highlight efforts to help students become college and...

work-based learning awards
A high school student who helped construct his family’s new home. An information technology company that has been placing interns in employment positions for...

When education is supported as a public good, it can teach...

In the heart of the South Bronx, a place in which 45,000 people live within eight square blocks of one another, an essential staple...

Nashua students could earn hands-on math credits through CTE

Nashua high schools are working on a pilot program to offer core math classes as part of Career and Technical Education programs. With these...

Kennett HS student leads marketing efforts for Mt. Washington Observatory as...

Sullivan “Sully” Gaudreault, a student at Kennett High School in North Conway, found his passion for cinematography with the help of an Extended Learning...