Hypertherm and Fujifilm Dimatix provide Lebanon-area students with unique learning opportunities

Thanks to a partnership between two advanced manufacturing plants and two area high schools, students at Lebanon High School and Thetford Academy in Vermont...

Senate approves $10 million in additional funding for school security

school safety
According to the Union Leader, the Senate approved an additional $10 million in funding to "harden" security in public schools: The action came when senators...

Continuous Revisions of Voucher Bill are a Concern for NH Parents,...

sb 193 division ii work session hearing
The statewide voucher bill, SB 193, has gone through several major revisions since it was introduced last year--each House committee has made substantial changes...

National tragedies spark local action, including a Governor’s Task Force on...

The recent mass shooting in Parkland, Florida has prompted communities across New Hampshire to take up the issue of school safety and reflect on...

Student roles in cultivating school culture

Michael Niehoff, an educator who has taught student leadership for the past 20 years, shares his experience in having students take active roles in...

Ask why: A four part series exploring traditional practices in education

We all make assumptions about the way learning in school is organized. When we pause to ask why, we can learn from students and...

Tips on how to encourage kids to read during the summer

summer encourage kids to read
Now that summer is here, how can parents encourage their children to continue to read? Fostering a love of reading through modeling, valuing reading...

NH Ranks at the Top According to NAEP, but Significant Achievement...

naep photo
New Hampshire remains one of the highest achieving states in the nation for fourth and eighth-grade math and reading, according to a recent report...

The Nation’s Report Card: What it is, what it isn’t, and...

In April, New Hampshire was recognized as one of the top performing states in math and reading according to the National Assessment of Educational...

Board of School Committee endorses Manchester Proud’s strategic planning proposal

The Manchester Board of School Committee voted unanimously to endorse a proposal from Manchester Proud, a coalition of individuals, local businesses, and education leaders,...