Sununu Urges Lawmakers to Support Sweeping School Choice Bill

Governor Sununu urged the House Education Committee to support SB 193, the universal voucher bill, at Wednesday's Executive Session, according to NHPR: A controversial school choice...

Concord Monitor: Voucher bill probably to be retained over the summer...

The Monitor provides background on the lack of sufficient Republican support for the ambitious voucher bill and reports that the State Employee Association has weighed in heavily against Commissioner Edelblut's proposed reorganization plan.

House sidelines school choice bill | Union Leader

The Union Leader reports that the New Hampshire House Education Committee voted 15-4 to retain HB 193, the voucher bill, to work on answering the many questions about it.

Rep Francese: “Don’t be fooled. This is one of the most...

Representative Paula Francese (Exeter) submitted this letter to the editor of Seacoast Online:  "It is impossible for me to read Catie McLaughlin’s letter to the...

Concord Monitor: The high cost of school vouchers

The Concord Monitor published an editorial about a school voucher bill that the Senate will vote on tomorrow. SB 193 will be the most expansive voucher bill in the country and could cost the state about $60 million or more its first year. What do you think about this type of voucher program? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Looming questions about voucher bill and its effects on students and...

On January 16, the House Finance Committee held a public hearing on SB 193, the bill that would create a statewide voucher program. After...

“‘School choice’ bill hitting head winds” | Union Leader

Dave Solomon's State House Dome reports that SB 193, the school choice bill, is unlikely to pass in this legislative session and that the governor is ambivalent about the bill.

“It’s a pregnant moment for state education policy” | NHPR

We missed this report last week but it's worth catching up with Josh Rogers' review Senate and House Education Committee decisions last Tuesday: It’s a...

Former State Senator: School vouchers – another plan to raise your...

"We all know what happens when money is drained out of public schools. Property taxes go way up."

Institute of Justice Attorney: Using state-funded vouchers at religious schools would...

voucher bill school choice
Tim Keller, an attorney for the libertarian group Institute of Justice, wrote in the Union Leader that SB 193, which creates a statewide voucher system...