Rep. Heath: “As legislators, it is our job to protect and...

Representative Mary Heath (Manchester), who serves on the House Education Committee, wrote in Seacoast Online that the Legislature's job should be to strengthen the...

Voucher bill amendment removes stabilization grants, caps enrollment, and changes eligibility

The House Finance subcommittee released an amendment to SB 193, the bill that creates a statewide voucher program, on Monday. The new version of...

School board member: Public schools are an investment in our children...

The Valley News featured this column from Carey Callaghan, who is the chair of the SAU 70 (Hanover) School Board: Last month, a bill that creates “education...

Jeb Bush for Union Leader: Bringing education freedom to NH

Former Presidential candidate Jeb Bush supported SB 193 in the Union Leader: Since our nation was founded, the “Live Free or Die’’ state has stood out...

Rep Porter: ‘School choice’ bills turn taxpayer dollars into private funds

Representative Marjorie Porter submitted this piece to Concord Monitor regarding SB 193, which creates education savings accounts for New Hampshire students: I’ve been serving in...

Kate Baker: A scholarship offers hope and a new path

Children's Scholarship Fund Executive Director Kate Baker wrote a piece for the Union Leader about the Fund. Here's an excerpt: In a recent Children's Scholarship...

Keene Sentinel: Don’t let state lawmakers turn tax money into subsidies...

The Keene Sentinel published an editorial on SB 193, the bill that would create a statewide voucher system through education freedom savings accounts. Here's...

Rep Ames: Voucher damage underestimated

Representative Dick Ames submitted this letter to the Concord Monitor: For many children taking advantage of Senate Bill 193, the cost to a school district will...

Concord Monitor: Who wins with school vouchers? Not taxpayers

The Concord Monitor Editorial Board featured a piece on SB 193, the bill that would create a universal voucher program in the state: A month ago...

Concerns around cost of voucher bill are overstated, according to leadership...

The House Finance subcommittee released an amended version of SB 193, the statewide voucher bill, which tightened the eligibility requirements, eliminated the stabilization grants...