Creating a school culture to help students overcome trauma and engage...

anxiety teens adolescent
At Honey Run Academy in Paradise, California, many students have experienced traumatic events like substance misuse in the home, abuse, or homelessness. But educators...

At Hinsdale’s Exhibition Day, real-world learning is on display

Hinsdale High School recently held their Exhibition Day, where students presented on the real-world learning experiences they had through their Extended Learning Opportunities (ELOs)....

Event: Advancing Educational Equity Through Collective Impact

shelby cooley equity event
The New Hampshire Institute of Politics at St. Anselm College will be hosting Dr. Shelby Cooley for a lecture on inclusion, titled, Why Inclusion Matters:...

Guest Post: High School Testing – exploring its purpose and potential

High school testing
What good is high school testing that does not count towards students’ grades, cannot be used for college admission or placement, and is barely...

NH Department of Education welcomes a new Cultural and Linguistic Competence...

The New Hampshire Department of Education has welcomed Bhagirath Khatiwada as their new Cultural and Linguistic Competence Coordinator, according to the Department's website:  The NH...

Enrollments continue to decline across Capital area – but not everywhere

According to the Concord Monitor, fluctuations in school enrollment--often even as little as 1% annually--are creating logistical challenges, from classroom space to staffing needs: Continuing...

Creating a positive classroom environment for students living with adversity

childhood adversity
Nearly one in two children have experienced serious adversity such as abuse, neglect, the loss of a parent, or mental illness. Here are five...

Senate approves $10 million in additional funding for school security

school safety
According to the Union Leader, the Senate approved an additional $10 million in funding to "harden" security in public schools: The action came when senators...

MTSS-B training series designed to promote school-wide student wellness

NH MTSS-B Team Training 2018
The New Hampshire MTSS-B Collaborative is hosting a three-day team training on Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Behavioral Health & Wellness (MTSS-B) for school...

National tragedies spark local action, including a Governor’s Task Force on...

The recent mass shooting in Parkland, Florida has prompted communities across New Hampshire to take up the issue of school safety and reflect on...