Nashua CTE & local business partner to offer drone course as...

A partnership between the Nashua Career and Technical Education and SI Drones, a Merrimack-based company, will give students the opportunity to learn how to...

Manchester Proud proposing a “community-centric” school planning process

A coalition of individuals, local businesses, and education leaders are coming together to propose fully funding a "community-centric" strategic planning effort for Manchester schools. The...

Restorative justice leads to greater respect between students & teachers

Restorative justice is a system of reconciliation and accountability that brings together the offender, victim, and others to mediate and resolve problems. It holds...

We R H.O.P.E. Hosts Free Adolescent Anxiety and Youth Crisis Management...

anxiety teens adolescent
We R H.O.P.E., a non-profit 501 (c) (3), is hosting a free adolescent Anxiety and youth crisis management library tour. This tour aims to...

Building a “culture of thinking” to help students become lifelong learners

Educators can help students build a "culture of thinking" that challenges them to deepen their understanding of the world around them and become lifelong,...

Epping to hold a school safety forum on Thrusday, February 22

Epping High School will hold a school safety forum on Thursday, February 22 at 6 p.m. to share what the school is doing to...

Family, school, and community engagement can foster social-emotional skills in students

Social and emotional learning (SEL) enhances students' ability to succeed in school, career, and life. SEL has been shown to increase academic achievement scores...

Working toward a vision for community schools that work for all...

What can we learn from a decade in the life of two high schools in the same Oakland, CA neighborhood? In one, educators, parents,...

Managing back to school stress by encouraging a growth mindset

Is your child stressed about starting school? Do you have a child who's entering a new school, and is overwhelmed at the idea of...

Data show minority students & students with disabilities disciplined more harshly...

Data from the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights show that students with disabilities and minority students are disciplined more often and...