Analysis finds that 38% of NH students would be eligible for...

On Thursday, March 18, the New Hampshire Senate will vote on Senate Bill (SB) 130, a bill that would create a taxpayer-funded “Education Freedom...

Analysis: HB 20, statewide voucher bill, could cost state $50-100 million...

Lawmakers are considering the country’s most expansive voucher program, House Bill 20, which would allow families to receive between $3,700 and $8,400 per student...

WEBINAR: HB 20: A Primer on the Statewide Voucher Bill

New Hampshire lawmakers have introduced a bill that would create the most expansive school voucher program in the country. This webinar, presented by the...

The most expansive voucher program in the country released as top...

A new bill that would create the country’s first nearly universal voucher program has been introduced as the top priority for lawmakers in the...

Policy Brief: Teacher Salary Schedules in New Hampshire

These policy briefs explore variations in salaries across New Hampshire, focusing exclusively on salary step schedule data for NH-certified teachers with Bachelor’s degrees, and...

Review of State’s Charter Schools Estimates 1,083 Open Seats in 2018-2019

On Tuesday, February 18, 2020, our Board of Directors issued a statement regarding this analysis. To read it, click here. Reaching Higher NH’s most recent...