Valley News: New Hampshire Education Commissioner Donated to Croydon School Board’s...

The Valley News reported that Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut donated $1,000 to the Croydon School Board's legal defense fund several months ago. Read the...

Rep Porter: ‘School choice’ bills turn taxpayer dollars into private funds

Representative Marjorie Porter submitted this piece to Concord Monitor regarding SB 193, which creates education savings accounts for New Hampshire students: I’ve been serving in...

Concord Monitor: The high cost of school vouchers

The Concord Monitor published an editorial about a school voucher bill that the Senate will vote on tomorrow. SB 193 will be the most expansive voucher bill in the country and could cost the state about $60 million or more its first year. What do you think about this type of voucher program? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Weekly Legislative Update: Marathon voting session, town meeting day, and budget...

Last week, the House had a two-day marathon voting session where they voted on almost 20 bills. Among those passed, an amended version of HB 620....

Letter: Schools are the lifeblood of any community

Hampton resident Juli Snaer wrote this letter to the editor of Seacoast Online: To the Editor: In just about every community, voters largely impact the school system....

Pittsfield resident: Time for school lawsuit

Pittsfield resident Christopher Cheney submitted this letter to the Concord Monitor, regarding concerns over education funding: Ready for another court fight over public education funding? The...

Souhegan HS Teacher Jenny Deenik on PACE: Performance Assessment is a...

Jenny Deenik, a biology teacher at Souhegan High School, reflects on her work with New Hampshire's pilot Performance Assessment of Competency Education (PACE) program...

The 3 essentials of competency-based learning: progression, opportunity, support

Competency-based learning could hold the key to helping students succeed by using their strengths to show what they know.

Webinar Recording: NH Public Education Funding A-Z

Education is one of the largest line items in the New Hampshire state budget. It's often a large line item in local town budgets...

HB 620 and its impact on special education services in New...

On Thursday, March 8th, or Friday, March 9, New Hampshire's House of Representatives will vote on a bill that could swiftly and negatively impact...