State Board member: Voucher bill, SB 193, part of a larger...

In a letter to the Portsmouth Herald, State Board of Education member Bill Duncan rallied against the universal voucher bill up for a vote today...

Senate Finance removes full-day kindergarten funding from budget, increases charter funding...

The Senate Finance Committee voted 4-2 to remove full-day kindergarten funding from the budget on Wednesday, according to the Concord Monitor. In addition, the...

State Board affirms support for state standards, but DOE will proceed...

Following up on what has been several months of public comment and debate, the State Board of Education will not be opening a formal...

Webinar Recording: NH Public Education Funding A-Z

Education is one of the largest line items in the New Hampshire state budget. It's often a large line item in local town budgets...

BREAKING NEWS: Draft amendment proposes to increase power and authority of...

At yesterday’s (4/11/17) Senate Education committee meeting, Senator Reagan (R-District 17), introduced a draft amendment that proposes to substantially increase the authority and power of...

How and why educators can teach the whole child through social-emotional...

educating the whole child
We need to educate the whole child, by teaching skills for an effective life, according to educator Trish Shaffer. Social-emotional skills, like awareness of self...

Educator offers six reasons “to speak out immediately and loudly against...

In a column for the Concord Monitor, educator Joe Onosko offered six reasons why New Hampshire should reject the voucher program created by SB...

School budget cuts are driving Franklin families out of the city

After three hours of public comment, the Franklin City Council voted to pass an $18.5 million school budget. The city faced an $813,000 budget...

DOE announces grants for Robotics Education Development Program, deadline September 30,...

The New Hampshire Department of Education has created a grant program for schools to start a robotics program. Applications must be submitted between September...

State Board reverses local school board decision to award hardship case

drew cline sboe manifest ed hardship
The State Board of Education overturned a school board's decision to allow a student who moved to Litchfield following her father's death to continue...