NH Department of Ed seeking feedback on website portal

The NH Department of Education is beginning its preparation to design a new website. They would like your assistance to help them assess the...

Legislative Update: budgets, snow delays, and full-day K!

This week, the House and Senate Education Committees heard several controversial bills, the Governor presented his biennial budget, and more. The Governor's meeting with...

Do grades demonstrate the potential of each student?

When we think about school, it’s almost impossible to imagine the experience without letter grades and grade point averages. But does a number, like...

What happens when you bring America’s top principals together?

Sanborn Regional High School principal Brian Stack, who was named New Hampshire's Principal of the Year, met other State Principals of the Year from...

Troy resident: The way NH funds public schools is an “unfair...

Troy resident Marcia Press is taking action after attending a four-hour town meeting on the school budget, where she says that her community was...

Surplus provides building aid to local school districts for the first...

According to the Union Leader, an estimated $19 million of state funds will be available for school building aid projects: School districts throughout the state...

Creating a school culture to help students overcome trauma and engage...

anxiety teens adolescent
At Honey Run Academy in Paradise, California, many students have experienced traumatic events like substance misuse in the home, abuse, or homelessness. But educators...

At Hinsdale’s Exhibition Day, real-world learning is on display

Hinsdale High School recently held their Exhibition Day, where students presented on the real-world learning experiences they had through their Extended Learning Opportunities (ELOs)....

BREAKING NEWS: Draft amendment proposes to increase power and authority of...

At the 4/11/17 Senate Education committee meeting, Senator Reagan (R-District 17), introduced a draft amendment that proposes to substantially increase the authority and power of the...

In school tours, Commissioner Edelblut is learning every day

Foster's Daily Democrat spent the day with Commissioner Frank Edelblut and Somersworth educators during his tour of the Hilltop City's schools: The State Commissioner of Education spent...