What happens when you bring America’s top principals together?

Sanborn Regional High School principal Brian Stack, who was named New Hampshire's Principal of the Year, met other State Principals of the Year from...

Free Workshop: The three “R’s”

A free workshop, “The 3 R’s – Understanding your role, rights and responsibilities in the N.H. Special Education process” will be held Oct. 12 from 5:30 p.m....

Public education changes many lives. Hear how it shaped this teacher’s...

In Pursuit of Liberty offers a timely reminder of who we are -- as educators, as citizens, and as the latest generation of Americans tasked...

Would a proposed school choice proposal be constitutional in NH?

As legislators continue to work on Senate Bill 193, which creates a voucher system through educational freedom savings accounts in New Hampshire, questions remain...

Institute of Justice Attorney: Using state-funded vouchers at religious schools would...

voucher bill school choice
Tim Keller, an attorney for the libertarian group Institute of Justice, wrote in the Union Leader that SB 193, which creates a statewide voucher system...

Keene Sentinel: Don’t let state lawmakers turn tax money into subsidies...

The Keene Sentinel published an editorial on SB 193, the bill that would create a statewide voucher system through education freedom savings accounts. Here's...

Beech Street principal to be sworn in as state Deputy Commissioner...

Christine Brennan, the principal of Beech Street Elementary School in Manchester, will be sworn in as New Hampshire's deputy commissioner of education, reported Manchester...

Students are thriving in this NH school thanks to a new...

"Students at Parker Varney Elementary School are thriving with this innovative model of learning", says Principal Amy Allen. Competency-based education has transformed the classroom...

Surplus provides building aid to local school districts for the first...

According to the Union Leader, an estimated $19 million of state funds will be available for school building aid projects: School districts throughout the state...

NH DOE: Robotics grant deadline extended and new grants to become...

The New Hampshire Department of Education announced that the deadline for the Robotics Education Fund has been extended--and they've already seen a lot of...