Gov. Sununu addresses education concerns during DC trip

At a meeting in Washington, DC, Governor Chris Sununu met with Federal Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. There, he talked about charter schools and workforce...

Sununu presses Trump officials for continued funding of NH programs

computer science
Governor Chris Sununu met with Trump Administration officials earlier in the week, including Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, according to the Union Leader. During his...

Concord High seniors prep for college after immigrating to the U.S.

Concord High School's Be the Change Club has been a safe space and lifeline for students at the school, and the Concord Monitor published...

Kindergarten funding decision delayed until Thursday

According to the Concord Monitor, the House and Senate are working on a compromise for SB 191, funding full-day kindergarten. The Committee of Conference...

Keno-garten bill finalized, but without bipartisan support

According to NHPR, the agreement reached by a committee of House and Senate members to tie kindergarten funding to the online lottery game Keno...

Lawmakers strike deal to add full-day kindergarten funded by Keno

The Union Leader reported on lawmakers' deal to increase funding for full-day kindergarten programs by legalizing the online lottery game Keno. Here's an excerpt: Democrats...

SAT scores rise for NH 11th graders

SAT scores rise for New Hampshire 11th graders, according to the Associated Press: CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — The average SAT score among New Hampshire 11th...

Weekly Legislative Update: Keno-garten, restrictions on rulemaking, and legislative approval of...

Over the past week, the hot topics in Concord have been the state budget and lawmakers' work in the Committees of Conference to strike...

Kindergarten bill creates Dover budget shortfall

The Dover School District could be facing a budget shortfall after counting on the passage of the original version of a Senate bill, reported...

Volinksy: Keno-garten funding bill unconstitutional under Claremont ruling

SB 191, which ties additional full-day kindergarten funding to the revenues from the newly authorized online lottery game Keno, is receiving some criticism, reported WMUR....