Hillsborough Rep: Voucher bill hasn’t addressed the needs of special education...

In a column for In Depth NH, Rep. Marjorie Porter (D-Hillsborough) urged legislators to kill a bill that would create a universal voucher system in...

State Board adopts K-12 Computer Science academic standards

computer science
In June, the state legislature voted to add computer science as a core K-12 subject. This week, the New Hampshire State Board of Education,...

CTE programs engage learners while incorporating strong general education requirements

cte manchester school of technology
Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs like those at Manchester School of Technology (MST) are helping prepare students for college and career by weaving...

Parker-Varney Elementary School welcomes Bryan Belanger as school principal

This week, the Board of School Committee announced that Parker-Varney Elementary School in Manchester has hired Bryan Belanger as the school's new  principal. Parker-Varney...

Key takeaways from the Senate Committee’s hearing on amendments to reorganize...

On Tuesday (4/25) the Senate Education Committee held a public hearing on amendments to HB 356, a bill to establish a committee to study...

Grant awarded to create vision for rural schools in Androscoggin Valley

The Berlin School District was awarded a grant to find out how the rural school districts of Androscoggin Valley can work together to create...

NH legislators debate full-day kindergarten funding

Kids around teachers desk
Since HB 155--the bill that funds full-day kindergarten--was introduced this session, legislators from both chambers have spoken out regarding full-day kindergarten programs. Senator David Watters (D-Dist....

WMUR: “New proposal would study possible reorganization of state education department”

The Senate Education Committee has set April 25 (probably 9:00 AM) for a public hearing on Education Commissioner Edelblut's proposed reorganization plan. WMUR reporter John DiStaso details the competing proposals.

Granite State students score higher than national average on SAT

The College Board released the score reports on the Class of 2015, and New Hampshire students scored 76 points higher than the national average. According...

House and Senate set to fight over Governor’s proposal for full-day...

kindergarten class
In crafting the biennial budget, the House Finance Committee cut Governor Sununu's proposal to fund full-day kindergarten along party lines, reported NH1 News. But the...