Concord Monitor: Who wins with school vouchers? Not taxpayers

The Concord Monitor Editorial Board featured a piece on SB 193, the bill that would create a universal voucher program in the state: A month ago...

WMUR: NH education chief says new proposal would give him ‘fidelity...

WMUR reported on the recent draft amendment proposed by Senator Reagan to expand the authority of the NH Commissioner of Ed: New Hampshire Commissioner of...

Concord Monitor: Edelblut seeks to restructure education department

The Concord Monitor reported on Senator John Reagan's amendment to HB 356, which would give the Commissioner Frank Edelblut "broad discretion" over the Department of Education: New Hampshire...

Union Leader: Edelblut power play in DOE reorganizing?

The Union Leader featured an article on the amendment to HB 356, which would restructure the Department of Education: It hasn't taken Frank Edelblut much time...

Union Leader: “Not so fast, Frank: Edelblut should outline reforms”

The Union Leader, in its lead editorial today urged the legislature to reconsider Senator John Reagan's (R-Deerfield) amendment to restructure the Department of Education:  Education Commissioner Frank...

Senator David Watters to propose alternative to restructuring Department of Education

According to the Union Leader, Senator David Watters (Dover) plans to introduce an amendment that would potentially create a study committee to reorganize the...

Union Leader: Public hearing scheduled for amendment to restructure DOE amid...

Sen. Reagan
The Union Leader reported on yesterday's Senate Education Committee meeting yesterday, where they announced a public hearing on the amendment to restructure the Department of Education: At...

Commissioner Edelblut on NHPR: “I’m an advocate for the education of...

Commissioner Frank Edelblut sat down for an interview with NHPR to discuss his passion for education and SB 193, the bill that would create a...

Education Commissioner questions science standards on NHPR’s Morning Edition

On NHPR's Morning Edition, Commissioner Frank Edelblut criticized the Next Generation Science Standards, on which the State Board of Education adopted last year. Here's an...

Governor Sununu replaces Chairman Tom Raffio on State Board of Education

The Associated Press reported that Governor Chris Sununu has replaced State Board of Education chairman Tom Raffio this week. Raffio has served on the State...