Family & community engagement can lead to improved student & school...

According to the Learning Policy Institute (LPI), engaging families and the community in their children's education is associated with improved academic outcomes, more positive...

Governor Sununu: Building a 21st century education system

Governor Chris Sununu underscored the importance of early childhood education and a 21st century education system in an article for Seacoast Online over the...

Somersworth School Board Chair wants board to be thinking about how...

Somersworth School Board Chairman Don Austin added a discussion of SB 193, the statewide voucher bill, to the board's first agenda of the year,...

PACE program helps support learning & gives credibility to testing alternatives

Several districts in New Hampshire have been replacing annual standardized tests with project-based assessments that are embedded into regular classroom activities and support deeper...

Report finds disparity in state education funding persists 20 years after...

Disparities in education are getting worse, according to a study done by the NH Center for Public Policy Studies. Here's an excerpt from the Keene...

Edelblut champions STEM and CTE

NHPR reported yesterday that DOE Commissioner, Frank Edelblut is requesting funding to support centers for Career Technical Education (CTE), expand internet service to schools...

Smart List | 40 Resources for Homework Help & Parent Organization

Getting Smart featured a list of 40 resources that parents can use to stay organized and engaged with their students, from helping with homework...

PART FOUR: State Education Property Tax – Locally raised, locally kept

On every New Hampshire property tax bill, there are two line items that fund the local school district: the statewide education property tax (SWEPT),...

Event Announcement: IEP Binder Building Party, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing free resources and support to parents of children with learning and attention issues is hosting an IEP...

House Education Committee recommends passing amended “Croydon bill”

The House Education Committee recommended passing SB 8, the "Croydon bill," as amended, by a vote of 13-6.  “This is Frank’s bill,” House Education...