Advocates: Education aid bill would drain money from public schools

The Union Leader highlighted Reaching Higher NH's analysis of the universal voucher bill, SB 193, and the bill's effect on local budgets: Opponents of the...

MMSETS offers math contest for Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts students

The Maine Mathematics, Science, and Engineering Talent Search (MMSETS) Program is offering a seven-round Problem Solving Program for students in Maine, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire.  The...

Tips for testifying in Legislative Committees

New Hampshire state law mandates that legislative committees hold a hearing for every bill that is introduced. These hearings give the public the opportunity...

Work Study Practices help prepare students for the future

sanborn pace assignment
Non-academic skills, like critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication are being cited by employers as some of the most important skills that students need to...

Competency-based instruction in Concord schools means new grades on reports cards

In many schools, students will be taking home a different kind of report card this year as more classrooms switch to a competency-based model...

State Board rejects DOE proposal to review many academic standards immediately

At the April 6th meeting of the New Hampshire State Board of Education, The department of education proposed that the board agree to review six major academic standards over the next year. The State Board of Education rejected the proposal, telling the department to return with a full plan, including timeline and budget, to review English and math standards.

HB 620 and its impact on special education services in New...

On Thursday, March 8th, or Friday, March 9, New Hampshire's House of Representatives will vote on a bill that could swiftly and negatively impact...

NH House has to pick a side on school choice |...

The Union Leader Editorial Board published this editorial in support of SB 193, the bill that would create a statewide voucher system:  Does New Hampshire have a...

Governor signs bill requiring 2 week notification before teaching sex ed...

NHPR reported that Governor Chris Sununu signed HB 103 into law, which requires school districts to provide at least two weeks' notice to parents...

Subcommittee recommends further study on voucher bill

The House Finance subcommittee that has been working on SB 193, the statewide voucher bill, since January voted 7-1 to refer the bill for...