Event: Connecting Workforce Resources Spring Tour

The event will give HR professionals an opportunity to meet with six workforce programs in New Hampshire.

apprenticeship nh

The New Hampshire Sector Partnerships Initiative and Apprenticeship NH are hosting workshops to give HR professionals an opportunity to meet with six workforce programs in New Hampshire. The first workshop is scheduled for Thursday, March 29 from 1 to 3 p.m. at Manchester Community College. Register for this free event here.

The events will allow HR professionals to meet with representatives from:

  • Sector Partnerships Initiative (SPI), a new industry-driven statewide initiative to help businesses in targeted industries address their workforce needs, while also helping workers prepare for and advance in careers in these critical sectors.
  • Apprenticeship NH, a program that combines paid on-the-job learning with related classroom instruction that increases an apprentice’s skill level and wages. Through the Community College System of NH, Apprenticeship NH develops the related instruction portion of a training program while you provide a site for experiential learning opportunities.
  • Office of Workforce Opportunity, an organization that serves as a catalyst to establish a secure and sustainable workforce that can meet current and future skilled labor needs and provide a competitive advantage for New Hampshire businesses.
  • WorkReadyNH, a tuition-free workforce development program tailored to meet the needs of job seekers and career builders, and provide training in the skills employers are seeking in their current and future employees.
  • Individual College Business Training Centers
  • Department of Employment Security, which, among other things, operates a free public Employment Service through a statewide network of Job and Information Centers, providing a broad range of assisted and self-directed employment and career-related services, and labor market information to all customers.

Individuals with workforce development responsibilities can join the workshop for “speed networking,” during which they can get an overview of the core workforce resource programs available in New Hampshire. They will then go more in depth by meeting with individuals from those programs and organizations.

Register for this free event here.


April 26 @ Keene (location TBD) from 2:00 – 4:00 PM
May 1 @ WMCC/Berlin from 3:00 -5:00 PM
May 10 @ Plymouth (location TBD) from 8:30-10:30 AM
Week of June 4, @ Great Bay (TBC)