Granite Staters overwhelmingly oppose NHED’s overhaul of public school standards: “These threaten to eviscerate public education in New Hampshire”  

In response to a call by the NH State Board of Education, over 200 Granite Staters submitted written public comment on the proposal to amend rules governing the Minimum Standards for Public Schools Approval or ED 306 rules. Of those who responded, 99% opposed the proposal. 

Although the reasons for opposition outlined in each of the public comments varied, they did fall into 6 overarching themes:

  • Fear that the rules will dismantle the public education system, 
  • Concern that academic rigor will be decreased, 
  • An expectation that the experience of NH students will be inequitable across communities
  • Concern that the process to create the draft lacked inclusivity and expertise, 
  • Recognition that the proposal caused an erosion of local control, and 
  • Fear that the proposal would decrease the amount of state funding available to support an adequate education.

Dismantling Public Education

The majority of written public comment cited the concern that the proposal would erode or dismantle the public education system in NH. 

“You either support the democracy that the founding fathers established or you don’t. If you do, you must support public education by certified personnel. If you don’t, you are asking.. to establish a different country with a different future than by far the majority of Americans and NH citizens want.”

“The changes inexplicably redefine the very definition of what a public school is. Why? The answer is clear — dismantle public education in favor of private schools, which benefit the wealthy.”

It is vital to put the needs of our children and youth ahead of personal aspirations and political agendas. Siphoning off public resources and dismantling structures in favor of promoting private choices is not a balanced, appropriate approach.”

“These revisions threaten to hurt our students by redefining and watering down what is considered an essential, required, and adequate education in New Hampshire.”

“When compared with other states, New Hampshire has a very strong national ranking for the quality of its public education. These proposed revisions to the 306 Rules threaten to eviscerate public education in New Hampshire.”

The revision of the rules governing public education comes at the same time the State Board of Education has explored other controversial changes for NH schools and the NH State Legislature is expanding the school voucher program known as Education Freedom Accounts. 

“Our public schools should be a source of pride for the state, where parents can be sure their children are receiving an excellent education.”

The period for submitting public comment to the State Board of Education has closed; however, once the rules are submitted to the Joint Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules (JLCAR), additional feedback will be collected.


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For more information about RHNH’s work and analysis on the minimum standards for public school approval, visit or contact Christina Pretorius, Policy Director, at