Strengthening and Diversifying the Teaching Profession

All children deserve a rich, engaging, and high-quality public education that gives them the knowledge and skills necessary to graduate high school with academic and career options. One of the most important elements of a high-quality education is a strong, diverse, and well supported teaching profession.

In New Hampshire and nationally, schools are facing a critical shortage of qualified educators, school staff, and school leaders. And, New Hampshire is among the states with the smallest proportion of educators of color in the classroom, despite the growth in diversity in the state.  Our state and our communities must come together to think about how we can recruit and retain great teachers, great staff, and great leaders, so that our young people can thrive in the classroom and in their communities. Reaching Higher NH is supporting these critical conversations by:

  • Collecting and analyzing state-based data and educator voices
  • Advancing ideas on how our state can attract and retain qualified school staff
  • Demonstrating how school staff that is reflective of its students and communities is essential to creating an inclusive, supportive learning environment
  • Finding out what motivates educators and school staff to move between schools, districts, and careers
  • Identifying how our schools and communities can support school staff at all levels

Reaching Higher NH is pleased to announce the release of our statewide survey of educators and school staff who are changing positions or leaving the profession, which was administered in Spring 2022 in collaboration with 15 professional education organizations in New Hampshire. Click HERE to read the report. To keep informed about our work, sign up for our newsletter to get alerted about our on-going work related to strengthening and diversifying the teaching profession. Learn more: 

Educator Survey

Reaching Higher, in partnership with 15 professional organizations, recently completed a statewide survey of educators and school staff who are changing positions or school districts, leaving the state, or leaving the field altogether. The survey closed in late June 2022, and Reaching Higher NH is pleased to announce the release of the published results.

Fostering inclusivity and high-quality instruction: Strategies for diversifying the educator workforce

Research suggests that efforts to recruit and retain teachers in NH should include an emphasis on increasing educator diversity.

Teacher Salary Report

These two 2020 policy briefs include district-level salary data on variations in first- and fifth-year teacher salaries for teachers with a bachelor's degree and with a master's degree.

Read More:

NOW OPEN: Educator Climate Survey aims to inform decision makers on the education profession 

Reaching Higher New Hampshire is inviting teachers, school staff, and administrators to complete the Educator Climate Survey to inform statewide conversations about how New...

Teacher Certification and Student Outcomes: What the Research Says

Lawmakers are considering two bills that would allow uncertified and unlicensed individuals to teach in public schools as long as they work “part-time,” or...

Senate kicks off 2024 with public hearings on school voucher expansion, school building aid, and rebranded parental bill of rights

The NH Senate is opening the 2024 legislative session by re-introducing some of its most controversial legislation of 2023, including school voucher expansion and...

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter and sign up for our newsletter to stay informed about current updates. And, join the New Hampshire Education Network (NHEN), our network of New Hampshire parents, educators, business leaders, and community members who are interested in education policy!

Photo by Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for EDUimages