Rep Ames: Voucher damage underestimated

Representative Dick Ames submitted this letter to the Concord Monitor: For many children taking advantage of Senate Bill 193, the cost to a school district will...

Rep Porter: ‘School choice’ bills turn taxpayer dollars into private funds

Representative Marjorie Porter submitted this piece to Concord Monitor regarding SB 193, which creates education savings accounts for New Hampshire students: I’ve been serving in...

Concord Monitor: The high cost of school vouchers

The Concord Monitor published an editorial about a school voucher bill that the Senate will vote on tomorrow. SB 193 will be the most expansive voucher bill in the country and could cost the state about $60 million or more its first year. What do you think about this type of voucher program? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Kensington mother: Education bill raises concerns

Kensington mother Jacquelyn Benson wrote this letter to the editor, featured in Seacoast Online: To the Editor: Earlier this week, the New Hampshire Senate passed SB 193,...

National PTA: Equitable, high-quality public education is critical to our children

The National PTA (Parent Teacher Association) released a statement regarding school choice and public education. There are over 20,000 PTA chapters, including more than 40 in...

Governor Chris Sununu: Parents "need to have the final say" on...

Governor Chris Sununu spoke to NH1 News after speaking at a school choice event in Manchester earlier this week. Here's the clip: NH1 News covered...