Concord Monitor: Who wins with school vouchers? Not taxpayers

The Concord Monitor Editorial Board featured a piece on SB 193, the bill that would create a universal voucher program in the state: A month ago...

WMUR: NH education chief says new proposal would give him ‘fidelity...

WMUR reported on the recent draft amendment proposed by Senator Reagan to expand the authority of the NH Commissioner of Ed: New Hampshire Commissioner of...

Concord Monitor: Edelblut seeks to restructure education department

The Concord Monitor reported on Senator John Reagan's amendment to HB 356, which would give the Commissioner Frank Edelblut "broad discretion" over the Department of Education: New Hampshire...

Active self-reflection promotes meaningful learning

What is active self-reflection? Self-reflection is the process of examining, linking, and developing meaning from our experiences to gain understanding of ourselves and the world around...

Commitment to 21st century skills at Sanborn Regional School District makes...

EdSurge has published a piece called How State Reform in New Hampshire Led to Teacher Autonomy that features the work being done in the Sanborn Regional...

Nashua teacher: Student engagement due to NGSS approach is amazing

  Lisa Janosik, a peer curriculum coach in Nashua, defended the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) after the Nashua Board of Education proposed delaying their...

Sen Reagan: Proposal to give Ed Commissioner more authority is a...

NHPR reported on Senator Reagan's draft amendment to expand the power of the state education commissioner: A proposal to reorganize the state department of education is attracting...

In school tours, Commissioner Edelblut is learning every day

Foster's Daily Democrat spent the day with Commissioner Frank Edelblut and Somersworth educators during his tour of the Hilltop City's schools: The State Commissioner of...

BREAKING NEWS: Draft amendment proposes to increase power and authority of...

At yesterday’s (4/11/17) Senate Education committee meeting, Senator Reagan (R-District 17), introduced a draft amendment that proposes to substantially increase the authority and power of...

State Board hears from Pam Wicks, Concord School Board, about her...

There is a positive change happening in our classrooms; we’re seeing students engaged in meaningful learning, giving all students a greater opportunity to reach their potential. I believe that PACE, along with competency based education, will help our students gain 21st century skills, that will guide them on their path to life after high school.