Bridging gaps: Remote learning creates new challenges in meeting diverse student...

Michelle Davis has spent her entire 24-year teaching career in Franklin, a quiet city tucked between the state’s capital and the White Mountains. History...

School funding commission scheduled to meet on April 27

The Commission to Study School Funding, a 16-member commission that is reexamining the way New Hampshire funds its public schools, will meet remotely via...

“We’re just trying to take it day by day”: Educators reflect...

On ordinary weekday mornings, the network of sidewalks branching out from Christa McAuliffe School in downtown Concord host processions of children: on bikes and...

A new reality: Educators reflect on the first weeks of remote...

On Monday and Thursday mornings at 11:30, Franklyn Bass sets aside his regular duties as interim superintendent of the Concord School District and logs...

Somersworth models self-care with SELF days

Superintendent Bob Gadomski is modeling self-care for students, families, educators, and staff in Somersworth and Rollinsford through the district’s newly announced SELF days. SELF,...

“Remote learning is giving me new ways to connect with her...

Here at Reaching Higher NH, we’re learning how to cope with our “new normal”: working from home, while also learning how to step in...

Encouraging student voice and choice at home: How RHNH staff is...

Here at Reaching Higher NH, we’re learning how to cope with our “new normal”: working from home, while also learning how to step in...

“I am not expected to be perfect at this. None of...

Here at Reaching Higher NH, we’re learning how to cope with our “new normal”: working from home, while also learning how to step in...

Join us in welcoming our three new team members!

Reaching Higher NH welcomes three new team members as we kick off 2020. Charlie Toulmin joins us as Reaching Higher’s Interim Executive Director, and...

Analysis finds CARES Act would provide estimated $213 per student for...

Last week, the state issued guidelines on how schools might reopen in the fall amid the national coronavirus pandemic. The recommendations left decisions on...