Learn Everywhere– pathway to privatization?

A proposal from the Department of Education (DOE) Commissioner Frank Edelblut, known as the “Learn Everywhere” program, would require public high schools to award...

Nashua Telegraph on Reaching Higher NH: "Group of difference-makers takes aim...

The Nashua Telegraph makes the point that, although there are probably too many coalitions around already, Reaching Higher NH is welcome because it is made up of people who can make a real difference on an important issue.

House Dems aim to bring back full-day K

This Wednesday, the House Finance Committee is expected to present its budget to the full House for a vote. That budget doesn't include the...

Union Leader: Edelblut power play in DOE reorganizing?

The Union Leader featured an article on the amendment to HB 356, which would restructure the Department of Education: It hasn't taken Frank Edelblut much time to...

Webinar: Strategies for schools in addressing to the opioid epidemic on...

Rural Behavioral Health will be hosting a webinar on Thursday, July 19 on The Impact of the Opioid Epidemic on Children and Youth in...

Board of School Committee endorses Manchester Proud’s strategic planning proposal

The Manchester Board of School Committee voted unanimously to endorse a proposal from Manchester Proud, a coalition of individuals, local businesses, and education leaders,...

How states can help districts implement student-centered learning models in their...

Legislators and school board members can help districts that want to follow in the footsteps of New Hampshire's innovative schools, like Pittsfield Middle High School--which incorporates a student centered learning model--achieve their personalized learning goals.

Facebook CEO’s focusing philanthropic efforts on unlocking human potential through personalized...

Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook, and his wife Priscilla are focusing their philanthropic efforts on personalized learning and supporting schools and teachers that incorporate innovative learning approaches, helping students unlock their full potential.

Concord Monitor: Who wins with school vouchers? Not taxpayers

The Concord Monitor Editorial Board featured a piece on SB 193, the bill that would create a universal voucher program in the state: A month ago on this page,...

Webinar opportunity: Latino Youth & Culturally Informed Care: Valuable Models Addressing...

The Bureau of Student Wellness, with funding support by the Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Minority Health, will host a webinar...