Portsmouth police chief says that community partnerships & building trust with...

Portsmouth Police Chief Robert Merner said that community, school, and law enforcement partnerships are important in reaching potentially troubled youth and helping to prevent...

Voucher bill amendment removes stabilization grants, caps enrollment, and changes eligibility

The House Finance subcommittee released an amendment to SB 193, the bill that creates a statewide voucher program, on Monday. The new version of...

Nashua CTE & local business partner to offer drone course as...

A partnership between the Nashua Career and Technical Education and SI Drones, a Merrimack-based company, will give students the opportunity to learn how to...

Candia resident proposes property tax break for seniors without school-aged children

A Candia resident has filed a warrant article that would give property tax breaks to residents over 60 who don't have children in the...

National tragedies spark local action, including a Governor’s Task Force on...

The recent mass shooting in Parkland, Florida has prompted communities across New Hampshire to take up the issue of school safety and reflect on...

Amendment to statewide voucher bill increases financial burden on districts, according...

The House Finance subcommittee has released an amendment to SB 193, the bill that would create a statewide voucher bill, on Wednesday. According to...

Legislative Budget Assistant’s model of voucher bill predicts sharp losses to...

According to a Legislative Budget Assistant (LBA) staffer's report, the impact of the statewide voucher bill (SB 193) goes far beyond the first-year impacts...

Concerns around cost of voucher bill are overstated, according to leadership...

The House Finance subcommittee released an amended version of SB 193, the statewide voucher bill, which tightened the eligibility requirements, eliminated the stabilization grants...

Reliance on property taxes for funding means large differences in experiences...

Schools in New Hampshire rely on local property taxes for their funding. That means that some wealthier towns, like Bow, have more resources to pay...

Concord Monitor: Current education funding model subsidizes wealthy communities

New Hampshire's education funding model is subsidizing the state's wealthiest communities by allowing them to retain the excess state taxes that they raise, according...