Education Commissioner calls for increased cyber security

education commissioner calls for increased cyber security
The New Hampshire Department of Education Commissioner, Frank Edelblut, called for increased cyber security in schools in a recent Concord Monitor column. Commissioner Edelblut...

Velcro proposes competency-based curriculum & internship program for Manchester students

The Manchester Board of School unanimously supported a proposal by Manchester-based manufacturer Velcro to form a partnership that could lead to internships and jobs...

Why do we separate school kids by age groups?

 Every day we work and interact with people of all ages. So why is K-12 is the only place in our lives where we’re...

Franklin mayor will veto proposals to lift tax cap to make...

franklin mayor veto tax cap
Franklin mayor Tony Giunta told the City Council that he would veto any motion to override the tax cap. The city's schools are facing...

Stereotypical gender roles could be affecting math achievement in wealthy, suburban...

In many cases, girls outperform boys in most subjects in early grades. But according to a new study from Stanford, boys outperform girls in...

Student roles in cultivating school culture

Michael Niehoff, an educator who has taught student leadership for the past 20 years, shares his experience in having students take active roles in...

Guest Blog: Matt Guruge, CEO of Awato is on a mission...

Matt Guruge
We recently met Matt Guruge, CEO, and Co-Founder of Awato, an online service that helps students identify career paths that match their interests and...

Creating a positive classroom environment for students living with adversity

childhood adversity
Nearly one in two children have experienced serious adversity such as abuse, neglect, the loss of a parent, or mental illness. Here are five...

The state’s role in addressing bullying is limited. Should it be...

When Delanie Marcotte, a fifth grade student at Pollard Elementary School in Plaistow, NH, went before her school board to ask them to do...

Are we designing learning experiences that are aligned with how the...

When we think of school, many of us picture a classroom with desks, a blackboard, and a teacher at the front of the room....