Legislative Update: School voucher expansion bill would render hardship laws “completely...

The 2024 legislative session kicked off on January 3, with the House and Senate voting on the retained bills of the last session. The...

Senate kicks off 2024 with public hearings on school voucher expansion,...

The NH Senate is opening the 2024 legislative session by re-introducing some of its most controversial legislation of 2023, including school voucher expansion and...

Senate committee unanimously recommends teacher recruitment program for rural and underserved...

On Monday, November 27, the NH Senate Education Committee unanimously recommended the passage of Senate Bill (SB) 217, which would create a loan forgiveness...

Court finds school funding formula unconstitutional, orders at least $500 million...

In a historic ruling, Rockingham County Superior Court Judge David Ruoff ruled in favor of school districts on Monday when he ruled that the...

New Hampshire Superior Court Judge dismisses suit challenging the state’s school...

Photo Credit Jimmy Emerson, DVM, Merrimack County Superior Courthouse
A Superior Court Judge dismissed a lawsuit challenging the state’s school voucher program, ruling that the state “did not delegate its duty to provide...

As school voucher program cost surpasses $24 million this year, state...

A legislative oversight committee charged with monitoring the state’s school voucher program raised questions about the program’s cost and transparency during their meeting on...

Recommendations to Reverse Harm and Strengthen Public Schools

All New Hampshire students deserve access to public schools where they can learn, grow, and thrive. Public schools are often the heart of their...

Looking Ahead: 2024 LSRs at a Glance

The window for lawmakers to file prefiled bills, or Legislative Service Requests (LSRs), for the 2024 session opened in early September. To date, Reaching...

WEBINAR: Unpacking the Public School Approval Rules

Join Reaching Higher NH staff as we review the key elements of the NH Department of Education's proposal to overhaul the public school approval...

Far-right media company’s application raises questions about what can, and should,...

On Thursday, September 14, the NH State Board of Education will revisit an application from far-right media company PragerU to offer a financial literacy...