N.H. Won’t Overhaul the Common Core. Its Schools Chief Still Wants...

At the State Board of Education meeting in July, the Board voted to affirm their support of the current state standards. Commissioner Edelblut said...

How teaching becomes the test in New Hampshire

Sanborn Regional High School principal Brian Stack wrote about New Hampshire's performance assessments in the industry publication Multi Briefs. Here's an excerpt: With the Performance...

20 Years Later: Supreme Court Decision on Ed Funding and its...

New Hampshire Magazine explored the Supreme Court's nearly 20-year old decision on education funding and what it's meant for New Hampshire schools. Here's an...

Keno-garten could help communities like Milford offer full-day kindergarten

Milford canceled its plans to offer a full-day kindergarten program this fall, which would have cost parents $510 per month, due to low enrollment...

Does Algebra Do More Harm Than Good? CA Community Colleges Rethink...

Math--and specifically algebra--is a major barrier for students enrolled in community colleges across the country. More than half of community college students are required...

Community engagement and student voice transformed this Pittsfield school

Pittsfield Middle High School has transformed from one of New Hampshire's lowest performing schools to a national model for school-community partnerships and student-centered learning....

Deeper Learning: What We Know So Far

What is deeper learning? How can it help students become engaged in their own learning and development? Getting Smart featured an overview, including research...

Not your old school CTE?

New Hampshire's CTE programs have expanded beyond the traditional wood shops and automotive garages. Today, CTE include fields like biotechnology, graphic design, computer networking,...

Understood features webinars on school vouchers, working with IEP teams, and...

Understood, a national organization dedicated to helping children with learning and attention issues and their families, is hosting several free webinars through August. All...

NH school once in crisis, now a national model for student-centered...

Pittsfield Middle High School has undergone a significant transformation over the past several years. Facing a 40% reduction in enrollment, reduced funding, and low...