Social Emotional Learning ban brings out strong opposition 

On Monday, February 5, Representative John Sellers (R-Bristol) introduced a bill that would ban social-emotional learning (SEL) in public schools. House Bill (HB) 1473...

Partial school voucher expansion could cost the state up to $66...

Increasing the income eligibility for the state’s school voucher program could cost the state up to $66 million per year, according to Reaching Higher...

Legislative Update: House will vote on universal school voucher expansion on...

After a marathon voting session last week, the House is scheduled to vote on universal school voucher expansion this Thursday, which could cost the...

School voucher expansion will be “a floor fight” in New Hampshire...

New Hampshire State House
Three bills that would usher in a universal school voucher program will go to the House floor in the coming weeks. The House Education...

Legislative Update: Marathon voting day next week includes school voucher expansion;...

Next week, the House Education Committee will hold a two-day session voting on recommendations for nearly 50 bills, including four bills that would expand...

Legislative Update: Non-certified teachers in the classroom? Some lawmakers say OK

This week, lawmakers heard from thousands of Granite Staters who oppose school voucher program expansion. Ninety-three percent (93%) of the testimony submitted was in...

10 things to know about HB 1652, the local school voucher...

The House Education Committee will hold a hearing on House Bill (HB) 1652, a proposed law that would create local school vouchers that are...

WEBINAR: Looking Ahead Education Policy in 2024

Wednesday January 10, 2024 | 1:00-2:00 p.m. Looking Ahead to 2024, rewatch Reaching Higher NH's webinar on the education policy landscape and what we're expecting...

PRESS RELEASE: School voucher expansion could cost state $82 million in new...

Released: January 12, 2024 Contact: Christina Pretorius, Policy Director, Reaching Higher NH, (603) 767-6694 or Concord, NH -- Four bills that will be considered by...

Legislative Update: School voucher expansion will be major focus of lawmakers...

Next week, the House Education Committee is scheduled to hold four public hearings on bills that would expand the state’s school voucher program, most...