Editorial: Never-ending school funding battles

The Union Leader Editorial Board ran an editorial on the Supreme Court's decision in the Claremont case and its impact on state funding of education: ...Every...

Goffstown resident: Public Schools First

Goffstown resident Jo Ann McCalister submitted this letter to the Union Leader: To the Editor: The New Hampshire Legislature and the citizens of our state...

Education mandate bill dies in the Senate

A bill that would have limited the State Board of Education's rulemaking authority died in the Senate on Thursday, reported the Concord Monitor. According to...

What’s in the state’s ESSA plan?

Under the new Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), states have more flexibility in reporting, goal setting, and identifying struggling schools, reported the Concord Monitor....

Editorial: The same old education funding story

The Concord Monitor published an editorial in their Sunday edition about the state's education funding formula. Here's an excerpt: Start with the determination, in a state...

Report finds disparity in state education funding persists 20 years after...

Disparities in education are getting worse, according to a study done by the NH Center for Public Policy Studies. Here's an excerpt from the Keene...

State House Dome: Education funding solutions redux

Sunday's edition of the State House Dome in the Union Leader featured the education funding formula and the study released by the NH Center...

Conway Board Declines Charter Lease Revisit, Members Say Commissioner “Overstepped” Bounds

The Conway School Board voted down a proposition to rent vacant school building space to Robert Frost Charter School despite calls from Commissioner Frank...

Test Drive: New Hampshire teachers build new ways to measure deeper...

The Christian Science Monitor featured a piece on how New Hampshire is leading the country in innovative ways to measure learning and teaching. The...

School program puts focus on civics

The Monadnock Center for Culture and History in Peterborough hosted day-long program focused on teaching civics in elementary school, according to the Union Leader: The...