House lawmakers table HB 607, the local school voucher bill

New Hampshire lawmakers have voted to table House Bill 607, which would create a locally-funded school voucher program, at their opening session on Thursday,...

3 key takeaways on K-12 school enrollment trends in NH

The overall number of children schooled in New Hampshire -- including public, charter, private, and homeschooling -- decreased by 1% between October 2020 and...

School voucher program will cost public schools over $477K after “phase-out”...

According to data from the New Hampshire Department of Education, the state will send $477,183 to local public school districts to make up for...

WEBINAR: Understanding the Statewide Education Property Tax (SWEPT)

At the October meeting of the NH Education Network (NHEN), Reaching Higher NH was joined by Mark Manganiello, the NH Department of Education's Office...