Think learning standards can only be reached in the classroom? Think...

The Prescott Farm Environmental Education Center in Laconia will be hosting two area elementary school classes this spring. Their education programs are aligned with...

Voucher Bill Amended Again in New Hampshire

The House Finance Division II Subcommittee released an amendment to SB 193, the statewide voucher bill, on Tuesday that removes the $1,500 adjustment grant for...

Stoddard School Board Chair: School voucher bill bad for New Hampshire

Alfreida Englund, the Chair of the Stoddard School Board, wrote this letter to the Keene Sentinal opposing SB 193, the bill that would create...

Education Commissioner hopeful that PACE can create opportunities for deeper learning...

In this video for KnowledgeWorks and the Center for Assessment, Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut speaks to how PACE can help expand innovation and deeper...

NH House has to pick a side on school choice |...

The Union Leader Editorial Board published this editorial in support of SB 193, the bill that would create a statewide voucher system:  Does New Hampshire have a...

Subcommittee recommends further study on voucher bill

The House Finance subcommittee that has been working on SB 193, the statewide voucher bill, since January voted 7-1 to refer the bill for...

Home-schooler oversight snags school choice bill

The statewide voucher bill, SB 193, would require home-schoolers who are enrolled in the program to take an approved annual assessment and report it...

Somersworth School Board Chair wants board to be thinking about how...

Somersworth School Board Chairman Don Austin added a discussion of SB 193, the statewide voucher bill, to the board's first agenda of the year,...

PACE program helps support learning & gives credibility to testing alternatives

Several districts in New Hampshire have been replacing annual standardized tests with project-based assessments that are embedded into regular classroom activities and support deeper...

Tips on how to build an inclusive school culture & empower...

As our world becomes more interconnected, Adrienne Henck, the Director of Global School First, emphasizes the importance of global education, inclusive school culture, and...