Student Members on School Boards: A Toolkit for Schools and Districts

Beginning in January 2023, every school board in New Hampshire must have at least one student member from each of the high schools maintained by the district. This requirement is a critical step to ensuring that students have authentic, meaningful, and direct input in the decisions that will affect their future. This toolkit is designed to inform the New Hampshire public about the state’s new student representation requirement and provide resources and recommendations for elevating student voice in school and district governance. It is intended for student board members, school boards, administrators, superintendents, educators at all levels, students, and community members.

Customizable Guides

This resource is designed to be flexible and easy to use. Download the full toolkit above or create a customized guide by pairing the "Key Points" section with the section that matches your role.

why have a student board member?

Student membership on school boards is fundamentally democratic and can be a learning experience for everyone involved.

promoting diversity and inclusion

A student school board member can help ensure youth voices are represented, especially when adults take steps to promote authentic and meaningful engagement.

policy and practice

Student board members have most of the same rights and responsibilities as adult board members. Schools around the state and country have implemented student school board membership in a variety of ways.

Preparing for a Student Board Member

Supporting authentic student voice on school boards requires thoughtful planning by all parties involved.

Taking Student Voice Further

Having a student on the school board is an important step in giving students a say in decision making. Here are some ideas for further amplifying student voice.


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