Voucher bill “a work in progress,” say lawmakers

voucher bill school choice
The House Finance subcommittee that is working on SB 193, the statewide voucher bill, released another amendment on last week at their work session....

Continuous Revisions of Voucher Bill are a Concern for NH Parents,...

sb 193 division ii work session hearing
The statewide voucher bill, SB 193, has gone through several major revisions since it was introduced last year--each House committee has made substantial changes...

By the Numbers: Support and Opposition for SB 193 at House...

sb 193 division ii work session hearing
Following several work sessions and revisions, the House Finance Division II Subcommittee held a public hearing on Friday, March 9 on newly-amended version of...

Lawmakers recognize the risk in voucher bill, says NHSAA Director

SB 193, the statewide voucher bill, has been in the House for close to a year, with members of the Education and then Finance...

Infographic: The Evolution of SB 193, NH’s Statewide Voucher Bill

Reaching Higher NH has received many questions about the evolution of SB 193, the statewide voucher bill, in regards to where it began and...

Voucher Bill Amended Again in New Hampshire

The House Finance Division II Subcommittee released an amendment to SB 193, the statewide voucher bill, on Tuesday that removes the $1,500 adjustment grant for...

Some Districts Lose, Others May Gain Under Recent SB 193 Amendment

SB 193, a bill that would create a statewide education savings account (ESA or voucher) program, is now in its third iteration since being...

Legislative Budget Assistant’s model of voucher bill predicts sharp losses to...

According to a Legislative Budget Assistant (LBA) staffer's report, the impact of the statewide voucher bill (SB 193) goes far beyond the first-year impacts...

Concerns around cost of voucher bill are overstated, according to leadership...

The House Finance subcommittee released an amended version of SB 193, the statewide voucher bill, which tightened the eligibility requirements, eliminated the stabilization grants...

Amendment to statewide voucher bill increases financial burden on districts, according...

The House Finance subcommittee has released an amendment to SB 193, the bill that would create a statewide voucher bill, on Wednesday. According to...