A historic turnout over HB 20, the statewide voucher program, extends...

Members of the public registered resounding opposition to HB 20, a bill that would create a universal school voucher program, at a public hearing...

WEBINAR: HB 20: A Primer on the Statewide Voucher Bill

New Hampshire lawmakers have introduced a bill that would create the most expansive school voucher program in the country. This webinar, presented by the...

Public hearing for HB 20, statewide voucher bill, scheduled for Tuesday,...

A public hearing for HB 20, the statewide voucher bill, is scheduled for Tuesday, February 2 at 1:15 p.m. via Zoom. Members of the...

The most expansive voucher program in the country released as top...

A new bill that would create the country’s first nearly universal voucher program has been introduced as the top priority for lawmakers in the...

Voucher bill fails, but supporters vow to bring it back next...

voucher bill school choice
On Thursday, the House killed a bill that would create a statewide voucher program in New Hampshire after the Senate attached it to an...

Senate version of voucher bill significantly increases financial impact on local...

Late last Thursday in the State Legislature, after the House killed SB 193, the statewide voucher bill by sending it to interim study, the...

Voucher bill brought back by Senate in late night vote

voucher bill
This past week the House voted two times to kill SB 193, the statewide voucher bill, by sending it to interim study. But late...

Final arguments presented on voucher bill ahead of vote

The House Finance Committee voted to recommend further study on SB 193, the statewide voucher bill, in an executive session on April 25, with...

Education Chairman “not optimistic” about future of statewide voucher bill

chairman ladd sb 193
The House Finance subcommittee has voted to keep studying SB 193, the statewide voucher bill, in a recent 7-1 vote. According to the Union...

Subcommittee recommends further study on voucher bill

The House Finance subcommittee that has been working on SB 193, the statewide voucher bill, since January voted 7-1 to refer the bill for...