Croydon: Tiny N.H. town forever synonymous with school choice

Since 2012, the town of Croydon has been battling over school choice, and it has become the face of the statewide debate, according to...

Sununu Signs Off On Croydon Bill

Governor Chris Sununu signed SB 8, known as the "Croydon bill," at the Croydon Village School in Newport on Thursday, according to the Valley... webinar on school vouchers hosted a webinar with Lindsey Jones, the Vice President, and Chief Policy & Advocacy Officer at NCLD (National Center for Learning Disabilities), to explain...

Accountability concerns arise over education savings account bill

According to the Concord Monitor, the subcommittee that is studying SB 193, the universal voucher bill that establishes "educational freedom savings accounts" in New...

House Subcommittee Proposes Revised Voucher Bill

The House subcommittee that is working on SB 193, proposed legislation to create “Education Freedom Savings Accounts,” met on Thursday (9/21) to reintroduce a...

Would a proposed school choice proposal be constitutional in NH?

As legislators continue to work on Senate Bill 193, which creates a voucher system through educational freedom savings accounts in New Hampshire, questions remain...

Institute of Justice Attorney: Using state-funded vouchers at religious schools would...

voucher bill school choice
Tim Keller, an attorney for the libertarian group Institute of Justice, wrote in the Union Leader that SB 193, which creates a statewide voucher system...

Keene Sentinel: Don’t let state lawmakers turn tax money into subsidies...

The Keene Sentinel published an editorial on SB 193, the bill that would create a statewide voucher system through education freedom savings accounts. Here's...

Hillsborough Rep: Voucher bill hasn’t addressed the needs of special education...

In a column for In Depth NH, Rep. Marjorie Porter (D-Hillsborough) urged legislators to kill a bill that would create a universal voucher system in...

Proposed voucher bill could cost districts millions in state funding

On November 8, the House Education Committee will vote on SB 193, a bill to establish an education freedom savings account program (hereafter, we...