District-by-District Analysis of SB 130, the Statewide Voucher Bill, and Implications...

The New Hampshire Senate recently passed SB 130, a statewide voucher bill that creates “Education Freedom Accounts” for low- and moderate-income families. Immediately after...

New Hampshire residents oppose vouchers in latest Granite State Poll

According to the latest UNH Granite State Poll (GSP), nearly half (45%) of New Hampshire residents do not support school vouchers like those proposed...

Analysis finds that 38% of NH students would be eligible for...

On Thursday, March 18, the New Hampshire Senate will vote on Senate Bill (SB) 130, a bill that would create a taxpayer-funded “Education Freedom...

Privatization and expansion bills “designed to avoid dealing with the real...

This week, the House and Senate Education Committees are scheduled to vote on a number of key privatization bills, including SB 130, which would...

Despite overwhelming public opposition, Senate moves forward with universal voucher bill...

The Senate is forging ahead with its version of a statewide voucher bill, SB 130, which would create a universal voucher program in New...

As House holds off on statewide voucher bill, Senate hits play...

On Thursday, February 18, the House Education Committee unanimously voted to retain HB 20, the statewide voucher bill, delaying further action until next year....

Resistance to HB 20 remains strong on day two of public...

Opposition to HB 20 continued to outstrip support during a second day of public testimony on Thursday. Altogether, 5,218 people signed on in opposition...

What else could $100 million fund? Putting HB 20 into context

Lawmakers will continue to hear testimony on HB 20, the statewide voucher bill, on Thursday, February 11. Reaching Higher NH’s analysis has found that...

PODCAST: Return of the School Voucher Bill

In this episode of School Talk, Reaching Higher Policy Director Christina Pretorius discusses what's coming up in education legislation, including a familiar-looking school voucher...

Analysis: HB 20, statewide voucher bill, could cost state $50-100 million...

Lawmakers are considering the country’s most expansive voucher program, House Bill 20, which would allow families to receive between $3,700 and $8,400 per student...