“Minimal” oversight of voucher program could put rules in jeopardy; Legislative...

On Thursday, August 19, the Joint Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules (“JLCAR”) is scheduled to vote on interim rules for the statewide education voucher...

Lawmakers pass budget with significant implications for public education in New...

On Thursday, June 24, lawmakers in the New Hampshire House and Senate passed two budget bills that will map out the state’s priorities and...

Lawmakers to meet on Monday to finalize details of budget, including...

A small group of lawmakers will meet on Monday, June 14, to work out the final details of House Bill (HB) 2, the state...

Two members of School Funding Commission call Senate’s proposed budget ‘a...

In an Op-Ed published in In-Depth NH this week, two members of the Commission to Study School Funding characterize the state budget passed last...

WEBINAR: Education in the State Budget

This webinar, presented on Monday, June 3, 2021, examines the Senate's finalized version of the state budget, which includes a sweeping and highly controversial...

School vouchers to be included in state budget proposal, but drop...

On Wednesday, May 26, the Senate Finance Committee voted 5-2 to include SB 130, the school voucher bill, into the larger state budget package....

‘It probably can’t pass if it stands alone’: Public urges lawmakers...

Lawmakers, city officials, school board members, taxpayers, and others are urging the Senate to keep the school voucher bill out of the state’s budget...

Virtual Town Hall: NH’s School Voucher Bill

VIRTUAL TOWN HALL: NH’S SCHOOL VOUCHER BILL  Tuesday, May 18 at 3 p.m. Event is free, but registration is required On Tuesday, May 18th, Reaching Higher New...

Granite Staters make it clear: No school vouchers for NH

The public came out in force to speak out against Senate Bill (SB) 130, the statewide voucher bill, in back-to-back public hearings on the...

In letter to Senate Finance Committee, local leaders voice concerns about...

The following letter, signed by 15 mayors and school board chairs, was sent to the Senate Finance Committee this week, prior to its public...