Concord school board member: Vouchers would undermine school districts

Concord School Board member Maureen Redmond-Scura wrote an open letter to Governor Sununu in the Concord Monitor on SB 193, the universal voucher bill...

Valley News: SB 193 is “poor public policy and fully deserves...

voucher bill school choice
The Valley News ran this editorial on the impact of the statewide voucher bill, SB 193: It may be an overstatement to claim there is a...

Valley News points to a working relationship between Ed Commissioner and...

Valley News reported on a working relationship between NH Department of Ed Commissioner, Frank Edeblut and Croydon School Board member: Croydon — Records obtained through a...

School board member: Public schools are an investment in our children...

The Valley News featured this column from Carey Callaghan, who is the chair of the SAU 70 (Hanover) School Board: Last month, a bill that creates “education...

Valley News: N.H. School Voucher Bill Would Allow Funds for Private...

The Valley News published their coverage of yesterday's hearing on SB 193, the bill that would create a universal voucher system in New Hampshire:  Upper Valley...

Union Leader: Emotions run high at hearing on bill to use...

The Union Leader featured their coverage of yesterday's hearing on SB 193, the bill that would create a statewide voucher program:  A Senate-passed bill that would...

Union Leader: Emotions run high at hearing on bill to use...

The Union Leader featured their coverage of yesterday's hearing on SB 193, the bill that would create a statewide voucher program:  A Senate-passed bill that would...

Jeb Bush for Union Leader: Bringing education freedom to NH

Former Presidential candidate Jeb Bush supported SB 193 in the Union Leader: Since our nation was founded, the “Live Free or Die’’ state has stood out...

Concord Monitor: Voucher bill debate heats up at hearing

Here's the Concord Monitor's coverage of the House Education Committee's hearing on SB 193, the bill that would create a universal voucher program in...

Former State Senator: School vouchers – another plan to raise your...

"We all know what happens when money is drained out of public schools. Property taxes go way up."