Candia resident proposes property tax break for seniors without school-aged children

A Candia resident has filed a warrant article that would give property tax breaks to residents over 60 who don't have children in the...

School funding lawsuit “urgently needed,” says Claremont attorney

claremont school funding lawsuit
Attorney John Tobin, one of the lawyers who argued the landmark Claremont case, is urging others to join in a school funding lawsuit. That...

Town-by-town impact of the Senate’s proposal for school funding

On Thursday, May 29 the Senate Finance Committee passed a proposal to increase school funding by $94 million in the 2020-2021 state budget.   The...

Concord Monitor: Current education funding model subsidizes wealthy communities

New Hampshire's education funding model is subsidizing the state's wealthiest communities by allowing them to retain the excess state taxes that they raise, according...

Legislative Budget Assistant’s model of voucher bill predicts sharp losses to...

According to a Legislative Budget Assistant (LBA) staffer's report, the impact of the statewide voucher bill (SB 193) goes far beyond the first-year impacts...

Franklin mayor will veto proposals to lift tax cap to make...

franklin mayor veto tax cap
Franklin mayor Tony Giunta told the City Council that he would veto any motion to override the tax cap. The city's schools are facing...

Medicaid steps up in schools where federal disability funds fall short

Medicaid contributes $4 billion to school-based programs nationwide. New Hampshire receives over $29 million from the provider to cover education-related services such as speech,...

Manchester at high risk for losses of state funding & increased...

According to Manchester Ink Link, the Manchester School District could face substantial losses in state aid if SB 193, the bill that would create...

Delay in Medicaid to Schools rulemaking means loss in available federal...

A delay in the rulemaking process by the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) means school districts in New Hampshire will...

How the courts have shaped education funding, and what comes next

In the 1990’s, the Claremont School District challenged the way the state of New Hampshire pays for public school in what are known as...