A new reality: Educators reflect on the first weeks of remote...

On Monday and Thursday mornings at 11:30, Franklyn Bass sets aside his regular duties as interim superintendent of the Concord School District and logs...

“We’re just trying to take it day by day”: Educators reflect...

On ordinary weekday mornings, the network of sidewalks branching out from Christa McAuliffe School in downtown Concord host processions of children: on bikes and...

How remote learning is affecting students’ mental health

While educators are working to address students' learning needs, they are also realizing the effects of remote learning on students' mental health. Generally, students...

Adjustments, disappointments, and silver linings: Students reflect on remote learning

The final weeks of school are typically abuzz with celebrations and traditions, handshakes and hugs and tears. Teenagers sway to sugary dance tunes. Sweaty,...

Lessons Learned: Assessing the successes and challenges of remote learning and...

It was an almost unthinkable reality. Signs outside of schools read “No school or events until further notice.” Yellow tape encircled deserted school playgrounds....

Rising to the challenge: NH’s largest school district reflects on remote...

In March, when Gov. Sununu issued his first emergency order shutting down in-person schooling, Manchester educators, like everyone else, hoped that life would return...

Manchester English Learners request fair funding

One day in the English Language advisory group she leads at Manchester West High School, Liz Kirwan asked her students to brainstorm the differences...

NH Academy of Science becomes first approved Learn Everywhere program

On Thursday, December 10, 2020, the NH State Board of Education approved the state’s first Learn Everywhere program, the New Hampshire Academy of Science...

Getting back to basics: Teacher of the year ensures students’ needs...

As the school day gets underway on the Friday before Thanksgiving at Ledge Street School in Nashua, English Language teacher Danielle Boutin is in...

Holding space for difficult conversations after the Capitol attack? Consider these...

The storming of the United States Capitol by a mob intent on sabotaging our democracy and the processes that uphold it has left many...