Weekly legislative update: House Ed proposes funding formula adjustment and recommends gun-free school zone
This week, the House Education Committee made their proposal for an interim education funding formula and recommended a legislative commission to study a longer-term solution. The Senate Education & Workforce Development Committee also held...
Weekly Legislative Update: Governor Sununu delivers budget address, Senate holds public hearing on bill...
Last week, Governor Sununu delivered his budget address to the joint House and Senate, the House Education subcommittee wrapped up their work on key funding-related bills, and the Senate Education & Workforce Development Committee...
Weekly Legislative Update: Amendment fully restores stabilization, House Ed works on funding formula
The legislative session started strong, and both chambers are quickly moving through over 100 education-related bills. The Reaching Higher NH team has been live-streaming committee hearings, executive sessions, and work sessions to keep you...
Legislative Update: Statewide voucher bill clears House vote
On January 3, the New Hampshire House of Representatives voted to pass the amended version of SB 193, the bill that creates a statewide voucher program, in a 184-162 roll-call vote. It now moves...
Weekly Legislative Update: Keno-garten, restrictions on rulemaking, and legislative approval of academic standards up...
Over the past week, the hot topics in Concord have been the state budget and lawmakers' work in the Committees of Conference to strike deals on outstanding bills. The so-called "Keno-garten" bill got a...
Edelblut champions STEM and CTE
NHPR reported yesterday that DOE Commissioner, Frank Edelblut is requesting funding to support centers for Career Technical Education (CTE), expand internet service to schools and fund robotics education.
In a request to the Senate Finance...
Weekly Legislative Update: School choice on hold, full-day kindergarten in play, Senate gets public...
This week, the Senate Finance Committee will hold a public hearing on the state budget on Tuesday starting at 1 p.m. in Representative's Hall. And the House will vote on the kindergarten bill, requiring civics in high school, and expanding dual enrollment programs like Running Start.
BREAKING NEWS: Draft amendment proposes to increase power and authority of NH education commissioner
At the 4/11/17 Senate Education committee meeting, Senator Reagan (R-District 17), introduced a draft amendment that proposes to substantially increase the authority and power of the Office of the Commissioner of Education.
The proposed draft amendment 1236s...
Weekly Legislative Update: House to vote on a bill that drastically impacts special education...
This week was quiet--no hearings or votes. But next week will be a busy one--The House will meet to vote on nearly 20 bills. One of note, HB 620, prevents the State Board of...
Weekly Legislative Update: Senate passes bills that could substantially impact public education in New...
The Senate was busy last week, voting on almost ten education-related bills. The chamber passed the "Croydon bill" and SB 193, a bill that creates education freedom savings accounts. Neither have received a lot...