Concord Monitor: Current education funding model subsidizes wealthy communities

New Hampshire's education funding model is subsidizing the state's wealthiest communities by allowing them to retain the excess state taxes that they raise, according...

Continuous Revisions of Voucher Bill are a Concern for NH Parents,...

sb 193 division ii work session hearing
The statewide voucher bill, SB 193, has gone through several major revisions since it was introduced last year--each House committee has made substantial changes...

Tax credit expansion bill for private & home school scholarships moves...

The Senate Education Committee held a hearing on HB 1686, a bill that would allow individuals to receive a tax credit for donations to...

NH Ranks at the Top According to NAEP, but Significant Achievement...

naep photo
New Hampshire remains one of the highest achieving states in the nation for fourth and eighth-grade math and reading, according to a recent report...

Senate version of voucher bill significantly increases financial impact on local...

Late last Thursday in the State Legislature, after the House killed SB 193, the statewide voucher bill by sending it to interim study, the...

ConVal superintendent urges legislature to fund public education

conval students app making
ConVal Superintendent Kimberly Saunders spoke against HB 1636, the statewide voucher bill, and urged the legislature, Governor, and Commissioner to "properly" fund public education...

Reliance on property taxes for school funding creates an inequitable system,...

Attorney John Tobin highlighted worsening inequities in New Hampshire's schools in an article reposted by InDepthNH. Tobin, who argued the landmark Claremont case in...

NH ranks 46th in school funding equity, according to national study

According to a Quality Counts study, New Hampshire ranked in the bottom five for equity in education, partly due to the over-reliance on local...

The state’s role in addressing bullying is limited. Should it be...

When Delanie Marcotte, a fifth grade student at Pollard Elementary School in Plaistow, NH, went before her school board to ask them to do...

Manchester schools highlight innovations in learning to national commission of state...

ncsl innovations in learning
The National Conference of State Legislatures' Student-Centered Learning Commission visited several Manchester schools to observe innovations in learning first hand, like competency-based education, online...